Building Acoustics & Tile Adhesives

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Acoustic Underlays

Acoustic Ceilings

Tile Adhesives

Product Range


Impact Noise Control: The difference between IIC, FIIC and AIIC

When it comes to measuring impact noises in buildings, IIC, FIIC, and AIIC are three [...]

Understanding IIC Rating: Impact Insulation Class

Are you looking to better understand impact insulation ratings? Impact Insulation Class, or IIC, is [...]

The Role of Acoustic Underlayment in Buildings

The Role of noise control in Buildings: When it comes to creating a comfortable and [...]

The Function of Acoustic Floating Floors

Acoustic floating floors are an innovative solution to reducing noise and vibrations in buildings. These [...]

Why Hotels Need to Control Impact Noise

In the bustling world of hospitality, hotels strive to provide a peaceful and relaxing environment [...]

The Importance of Impact Noise Control for High-Rise Buildings

The Importance of Impact Noise Control for High-Rise Buildings In high-rise buildings, noise control is [...]