Understanding IIC Rating: Impact Insulation Class

Are you looking to better understand impact insulation ratings? Impact Insulation Class, or IIC, is a single number that measures the impact noise reduction of a flooring assembly. In this article, we will delve into the details of IIC rating, what it means, and how it is measured.

What is Impact Insulation Class (IIC)?

Impact Insulation Class (IIC) is a standardized rating that quantifies how well a flooring assembly reduces impact noise transmission between floors in a building. The higher the IIC rating, the better the floor assembly is at reducing impact noise from sources such as footsteps, dropped objects, or furniture being moved.

How is IIC Rating Measured?

IIC Rating is typically tested in a laboratory setting using a tapping machine to simulate impact noise on a floor assembly. The test measures the sound transmission through the floor assembly and assigns a numerical value, which represents the impact insulation class rating. This rating can range from as low as 25 for poor impact insulation to as high as 80 for excellent impact insulation.

Importance of IIC Rating

Understanding the IIC rating of a flooring assembly is crucial, especially in multi-story buildings or residential units where impact noise can be a significant source of disturbance. A higher IIC rating means that the flooring assembly will provide better soundproofing and reduce noise transfer between floors, creating a more comfortable and quiet living or working environment.

How to Improve IIC Rating

There are several ways to improve the IIC rating of a flooring assembly. Using underlayment materials like cork or rubber can help absorb impact noise and improve sound insulation. Additionally, installing carpeting or rugs can further reduce impact noise transmission and improve the overall IIC rating of the floor assembly.


In conclusion, understanding the IIC rating of a flooring assembly is essential for creating a quiet and comfortable indoor environment. By choosing materials and construction techniques that improve impact insulation, you can reduce noise transfer between floors and enhance the overall acoustic performance of a building. Next time you are considering a flooring renovation or installation, be sure to pay attention to the IIC rating to ensure a peaceful and serene indoor space.